Wednesday, April 24, 2024

AI Video

 The video we watched was interesting. I think artificial intelligence is a very cool thing that keeps growing more and more as the years pass. However, this video highlighted the not-so-great parts about artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is truly taking over our world. From kiosks to order food at fast food restaurants to self-driving taxis. Some people do not trust AI and fear that it is unsafe or unreliable. This leads to some concern regarding jobs being eliminated all around the world.

The video focused on the issue of artificial intelligence taking people’s jobs. In May of 2023 almost four thousand jobs were lost because of artificial intelligence and this number continues to grow month by month. In a world after Covid people in America have a hard time finding a stable job as it is. After Covid eight million people in America lost their jobs. Right now, more than ever it is important that people can keep their jobs, so they are able to feed their families. 

On the other hand, artificial intelligence has also created a fair number of jobs. In 2022 it was forecasted that artificial intelligence will create 2.3 million jobs and get rid of 1.3 million jobs. It is predicted to take time for these new jobs to happen. They will require new skills that most people do not have now, so young people will need to begin to learn these new skills. 

Overall, I think AI can be a great thing, but every great thing clearly has its downsides. Personally, I do not trust things like self-driving cars I would much rather have a taxi driver. But maybe that will change as it evolves and becomes more normal in the future. I think it will be both interesting and scary to see where AI takes the world in the next few years.

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