Wednesday, April 24, 2024

EOTO 2 Reaction

There were a lot of good presentations on various subjects. One that stuck out to me was the one on internet influencers. I think it is mind blowing how in this generation there are internet influencers who can become very rich and near the same level as celebrities. They have a lot of power and most of them are just normal teenagers who post about random things. It is interesting to me how it used to be just celebrities who had this level of fame from movies and television but now anyone can become famous from posting on social media sites. 

Another presentation I found interesting was the one on deep fakes. Our world is advancing rapidly everyday especially when it comes to artificial intelligence. Deep fakes are when someone can use artificial intelligence to make a video of someone and make it seem like they are saying something that is completely fake. This is quite scary to me how advanced these technologies are getting, and it is only the beginning. It is very important that everyone stays aware of the technologies out there because it is very easy to believe what you see online, and anyone can easily be scammed or misled from deep fakes on the internet. 

Something new I learned from the presentations was about news deserts. It makes sense that some poorer areas of the country do not have access to newspapers and news but it is a sad fact. Staying informed on what is happening in local governments is very important to everyone and it is alarming that so many towns across the country do not have this luxury. Newspapers are dying now that the internet has taken over and anyone can learn anything from their cell phones or computers. 

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