Friday, April 5, 2024

Eight Values

There are eight values of free expression that are all important and determine our freedoms in society. Here in America we are lucky to have the first amendment to protect us and give us the freedom to speak our mind and believe what we want to believe. Out of the eight values of free expression there are three that stand out the most to me. These three values are numbers  three, six, and eight. Without these values of free expression we would not have the freedom to truthfully speak on what we believe in.

The third value is the concept of “stable change” or “Safety Valve”. This value resonates with me because I think it is crucial to have the freedom to express your thoughts and feelings. When we are able to speak on what is bothering or angering us it can be calming to get things off of our chests. Without this freedom everyone would have to keep their opinions to themselves and everyone would be more angry because their complaints would not be heard. It helps the government because it is extremely beneficial to hear feedback from the people to get an idea of what is working and what is not. It also prevents acts of violence from occurring out of anger. It allows for a much more stable government. 

Number six is also an important one to me. Number six is promoting tolerance, which is essential to a society and government. Especially in a democracy everyone has their own opinions on everything and it is very important to learn to be mindful of other people’s points of view. A lot of the time personal views can ruin relationships because some people tend to get really upset over differences of views. I think if everyone learned tolerance and was able to accept everyone we would have a more peaceful society but that is almost impossible to make everyone tolerant. 

Number eight is another very important value on this list. Number eight protects minority views and gives everyone the right and duty to criticize the government. It is a crucial part of our democracy to be able to speak up about things that someone may disagree with. If we were unable to criticize the government there would be no freedom to think what we all personally think. The government protects our freedom to have any beliefs no matter how unpopular they may be.

These three values are all extremely important in our society. If we did not have these freedoms our government would look extremely different than it does. The government would not function smoothly if all of its citizens were silenced and unable to share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. 

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