Tuesday, April 2, 2024

EOTO 1 Reaction

There were a lot of good presentations on the evolution of certain communication devices. There were a lot of devices and tools covered from carrier pigeons to the iphone. I think it is cool to look back and see how much technology has evolved today. The ways we communicate are very important as a society and it was very interesting learning things I did not know before from my classmates. I am going to summarize two different forms of communication one being paper and the other being the most modern the iphone.

One of the forms of communication I never really thought about that was presented is paper. I use paper on almost a daily basis but never really thought about it as a way to communicate. Ways to communicate using paper could be something like notes or flyers. I also did not know paper was invented back in 200 BC in Egypt and was commonly made from bamboo. I also found it interesting that originally the Christian church rejected paper because it was associated with Muslims.

A more modern form of communication that was presented was the iphone. The iphone is something that almost everyone has and if not they have another smartphone. After learning about the earlier communication devices it reminded me how convenient the iphone really is. Something I learned was the amount of waste Apple produces each month just with the iphone. 

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